Just a Push Start! by Frank Helfrich
Ice Cream Social Redux by Jeanne Bone
Saturday Series 2002
Music Comes to Menlo
Volunteers Needed for Friends Book Fair
A Tribute to Dick Barbour
Reasons for Not Exercising
Journey to Work
*Historical Review of Early Days of the Menlo Park Railway Depot by Edna Crane-Birchfield
Ice Cream Social by Jeanne Bone
*Water Tower Marker in Place
The Chinese New Year Dinner
4th of July Bus Ride
*Panels in the Park
The Chinese New Year...of the Horse by Jeanne Bone
The Chinese Horoscope
St. Patrick's Day
From the "Mail Examiner," March 1996
Some Legends
*Fred Becker
Invitation to a Historic Birthday
*Monsignor Edwin J. Kennedy by Jeanne Bone
*Family Histories - Oral Histories by Jeanne Bone
Notes from the Editor
A Grand Meeting
A Visitor from Menlough, Ireland
*Board Member Profile - Bill Weseloh
The Invisible, But Dynamic Committees of 2002
Attractive Accessions
*Memories of World War I by Jeanne Bone
Eleazer Derby Wood, USMA
Annual Meeting & Christmas Party
It's Election Time Again!
A Nipper Story
*'The Book' Is Now Ready for Christmas
*Board Member Profile - Bill Harris
2001 Membership Roster
What is Your Answer?
*The Plaque Is Here!
Chinese New Year Dinner by Jeanne Bone
The Passing of a Relative by Tim Goode
Two Horses Behinds Shaped 2000 Years of History
*Some Menlo Park Veterans of World War II (by Cal Jones)
Book Fair
Views from the Bus, Scene 1: The Fourth of July by Bus by Jeanne Bone
The Plaque Is in the Fire
Book Fair
San Carlos Library Tour & Museum Visit
Chinese Dinner
Views from the Bus, Scene 2: The Fourth of July in a Historic Bus by Frank Helfrich
Peek into Our History Room by Jeanne Bone
Three Lucky Men in Menlo by Frank Helfrich
*Profile of Chris Christensen
A Social Ice Cream Social by Jeanne Bone
Member Garners Newspaper Awards (Brian Bothun)
*Growing Up in Menlo Park (by Barbara Mason)
Growing Pains
*San Ftrancisquito Creek Memories (Charles Barker)
*No Thoroughfare - Walsh Road
*Railroad Water Tank Update
We Begin a New Year - Roger Seccombe (President's message)
Signs of Life (in the old Gate Post)
A Letter to MPHA Pres. Seccombe
MOAH's Lecture #4
Coming Attraction
Jeanne at Home
*The Railroad Water Tank by Dick Alvarez
A Last Word
*The Arrival of "The Book!"
San Francisquito Creek Project Continues by Nancy Lund
Goodbye, Arriverdici, Au Revoir, And So Long by Jean Bone
2000 Membership Roster
Annual Meeting and Election of Board
Veterans Dau
In Flanders Field by John McCrae
A Thanksgiving Day Quiz
A New Arrival in Menlo Park (Chris Alonso at Chamber of Commerce)
Menlo Park Cares Day 2000
Speaking of Birthdays in November
Who Wants to Save the Creek?
Annual Meeting Speaker
Welcome #2
*Where's the Book? by Frank Helfrich
Four Buildings Available for Moving
Elections Are Coming
*Hail to Chief Carter! by Frank Helfrich
Random Notes
The Friends of the Library's Big Book Fair
The Book
*Menlo Park Incorporation!!! (from Palo Alto Times January 4, 1927)
Top Ten Words That Don't Exist That Should
Switching Channels Leads to Surprise... by Frank Helfrich
*"Where Is the Book?" by Frank Helfrich
The Collection and Preservation of History - A Responsibility
*The Ex-Oldest Landmark in Menlo (old adobe house)
Reasons Why the English Language Is Hard to Learn
Courtesy of Al Giannotti
A Parable: The Farmer and the Mule
Social Notes
Last Call for Dues!
A Special Walk in Old Menlo
The Glorious Fourth of July!
Recommended Reading ()William F. Strobridge's article in La Peninsula, Winter 1999-2000)
Formerly of Menlo Park (Clifford Walker, author of "One Eye Closed, the Other Red, The California Bootlegging Years")
Highlights of the Board Meeting, May 2, 2000.
Kudos and Kompliments
June14th is Flag Day
*Our Amazing Members (Jeanne and Roger Seccombe, Jackie Drew)
Canceled (Ice Cream Social)
Happy Father's Day
A Visit from Kimiyau Morikawa by Frank Helfrich
Highlights of the Board Meeting April 4, 2000
New Members
OOPS (again!)
*A Word or Two About Our Authors: Shirley and Mike... by Roger Seccombe
*What's Happened to "Our Town" by Lee Boucher
Alma Street Closure
Highlights of the Board Meeting, March 7, 2000 by Frank Helfrich
"Just for Interest"
Walk With the Buffs
Signs That You've Had Too Much of the 90s
What Will Happen To Whiskey Gulch?
Bible Stories from Kid
Highlights of Board Meeting, Feb. 1, 2000
Year 2000 Dues
A New Face for The Gate Post
MPHA Receives MP City Council Annual Report from 1951
Highlights of Board Meeting, Jan. 6, 2000
The Chinese New Year Dinner
The State of The Gate Post
Year 2000 Dues
1999 Annual Meeting Report
A Toast to the Future
*The Y2K Book - Update
Tips and Tours
The Gate Post's 25th Anniversary
Annual Meeting
Christmas Party
Dues and Don'ts
*Menlo Book Crisis Update
Gate Post Editor Resigns!
1999 Membership Roster
Summary of 1999 Activities
Review of the Presidio Tour
Annual Meeting & Elections of Board Members by Jeanne Bone
*Summary of Menlo Park History Book Crisis by MPHA Acting President, Roger Seccombe
Christmas Party - Part of the Annual Business Meeting
The Museum of American Heritage in Palo Alto
*Houses Made of Steel - A Dream Come True
*Tales of Old Menlo (author John Cleese)
*Joblessness in Menlo Park - 1932
Elections Are Coming Up - December 12
*The Book
Events Planned by Other Historical Associations
Back to School
*The Book - A Report
*Miss Bertha Kuck (school teacher Central School)
Tracing Early Menlo Park Schools
*Why MPHA Choose the Menlo Gates as Its Logo by Jeanne Bone
The Fourth of July
The Book - A Partial List of Donors
May 15 Tour of Stanford Museum & Hoover Tower
It's Not Too Late
The American's Creed
When Life Was Simple...
*Rackmaninoff and the Summer of 1919 by Frank Helfrich
Lee Auten Posts $100 Reward with Local Bank
Ice Cream Social - Gateway to the Summer
News from the Board Meeting
*The Book - a report
Congratulations to Our Golden Acorn Award Winners!
Menlo Memories Revisited
Delinquent Dues
A Gift from Heaven by Jean Bone
Thank You Jean Bone!
Stanford Museum and Hoover Tower
USGS Lecture
Who Put the 'Fun' in Fund-raising?
Scud Missile, Tanks and More on View at Museum Fund-raiser
MPHA Wish List
A Second Time Around the Block
A Walk Through Old Menlo...
*Progress on the Publication of 'The Book'
The Founder's Collection: Delightfully Different Devices
Victorian Houses
*Trouble on the Roads: Early Road Rage by Frank Helfrich
A Walk in Old Menlo
Celebrating the Year of the Hare
*Publication of a Book
*The Rebirth of 'Menlo Memories' (Dick Barbour)
Chinese New Year Dinner
Christmas Party Afterthought
Dino Dung: USGS Lecture Topic
Annual Meeting & Christmas Party
*Book of the Millennium
Seminary Oaks
Hiller Aviation Museum Tour
Future Programs, Trips & Tours
*John Beltramo - A Menlo Park Legend by Willard Classen
1998 Membership Roster
Summary of 1998 Activities
1998 New Members
1998 Memorials
Last Call to Hiller Aviation Museum
*A Book for the Millennium
*A Walk Through Old Menlo
San Francisco: The City Grows up - with Michael Svanevik
*Marion Holmes Retires
The Free Midday Shuttle Comes to Town
*A Star on the Alameda by Frank Helfrich [Billy Cook]
Hiller Aviation Museum Tour by Marguerette Paponis
Menlo Park Central School
Elections Are Coming, Elections Are Coming!
*How MPHA Began
Don't Forget the Book Fair!
A Century of Progress
A Down-Home Ice Cream Social
A Happy Fourth of July
Banish Junk Mail Forever!
Visit Victorian Days in the Park
The Menlo Park Friends of the Library Book Fair
Hiller Helicopter Museum Tour
Ice Cream Social
Let's Have a "Bang Up" Fourth of July!
*A New Member Remembers Menlo [Charles Barker]
Summertime History at Little House
*Brewed in a Menlo Park Garage? by Frank Helfrich [Homebrew Computer Club]
A Sociable Ice Cream Social
The Glorious Fourth
Memorial Roster Plaque Update
*A Touch of the Orient by Jean Bone
Words I Thought Were Italian
*Memories of 50 Years Ago: Menlo's Gold Discovery Celebration in 1948 by Frank Helfrich
Last Call for the Cemetery!
*The Board Loses Linda [Byrne]
Ira E. Bonde's Special Collection
The March of Progress!
A Surprise Donation from Mike Bedwell
What's New About the $50 Note?
*Bridges and Crossings (notes of a researcher) by Frank Helfrich
An Atherton Affair
Map of Menlo College
*Portrait of a Board Member [Peggy Stretch]
Committees - 1998
A Fun(ny) Project
Tour of Cypress Lawn Cemetery
Fr. Bill Queenan is Retiring
More About Peninsula High Society by Jean Bone
Museum Reopening at the Williams House
Sunset Magazine Celebrates a Century in Print
Celebrating the Year of the Tiger
Farewell and Hail!
*A Sandcast Mural Update
An Afternoon with Gertrude Atherton
Cub Scouts Visit Menlo Historic Places by Frank Helfrich
The Chinese New Year Dinner
A Walk in Old Menlo, Updated
An Historic Announcement by Jean Bone
*Henry Cowell Explained by Frank Helfrich
The Annual Meeting/Christmas Party
A Walk in Old Menlo
Memorial Markers
*The Menlo Park Sand Cast Mural (by famed San Diego artist Charles Faust)
Letter from Maureen Dickey
A Sampling of Cowell Music by Frank Helfrich
In 1998, the Tiger Roars!
Annual Meeting and Christmas Party
Membership 1998
Dues: an Unpleasant Necessity
*From the Lions' Den [updating "A Tradition of New Horizons" (1974)]
A Friendly 'Get Together'
Updating a Walk in Old Menlo Park
Membership Roster
Summary of 1997
1997 Memorial Books
News About Dues
*Reader Reaction to 'Big Plaza Days
The Professorville Tour
Wish You Were There by Linda Byrne
Science News: New Element Discovered
Epitaph for a Dough Boy
*The Beginnings of a Junior College by Frank Helfrich
A Tour of Palo Alto's Professorville by Maguerette Paponis
A Walk in Old Menlo
Computer Capers
Filoli Seismic Strengthening Cited
*Big Plaza Days in Menlo Park by Frank Helfrich
Tour of Ardenwood Historic Farm
Ardenwood Historic Farm
Recap of Santa Clara Mission Cemetery
A Very Sociable Ice Cream Social
A Bang-Up Celebration
*Lou Ciardella: His Story of a Store by Jean Bone*Menlo Today [continuation of last month's Early Days in M.P.]
Tour of Santa Clara Mission Cemetery
Ice Cream, You Scream, We All...The Glorious Fourth
Interested in HistoryEarly Days in M.P. [from internet "Cities, California"]
*Facts and Artifacts
Our Buried Past
MembershipIce Cream Social
*Early Foot Travels Hereabouts [The Tall Tree, June 1950)
*Long Gone Off The Alameda by Frank Helfrich
The Woodside Store Visited
Family History Day at Woodside Store
Implementation of Fax Machine
Our Buried Past
Tour of Downtown Palo Alto
M.P.H.A. Annual Dinner Meeting
Installation of New Quicken
Don't Forget Palo Alto Downtown Tour
*Plaque Project Progress
*A Moving Story: The Watkins-Cartan Dispute
*New Archives for Cowell and Duff Collections [John and Angela Kiefer, Jane Duff)
Dog Ears Begone!
Free Television Sets for Our MPHA Board
A Tour of Historic Downtown Palo Alto
Year of Ox Dinner a Big Success
Nine Famous Irishmen
Desk (Still) for Sale
*Looking Back at 1941: Women's Lib Is Nothing New!
*Follow Up from Last Month: A Quick Response from Henry Ford Museum by Frank Helfrich
Chinese New Year Dinner
Message from Our President
Selection of Officers of the Board of Directors
Local AARP
*Ford Museum Letter Surprises M.P.H.A.... by Frank Helfrich
Year of the Ox
Brian and His Toys
Happy Holidays! [Annual Meeting and Christmas Party]
Buon Anniversario a Amadeo Gato
Main Intersection Puzzle Clarified (We Hope) by Frank Helfrich
Desk for Sale
Big Band Radio
Elections and Entertainment
Membership'Honorary' Ed
Membership Roster
Summary of 1996 Activities
What Is Local History?
Updating the Civic Center Plaques
*A New Look at the Gate Lodge by Frank Helfrich
Cypress Lawn Cemetery Tour
*25 Years Ago: Main Intersection Was to Get Traffic Light [August 14, 1931]
Tour of Cypress Lawn Cemetery
A Strolling Stone Gathers More Mystery
A Bathtub on the Roof! by Frank Helfrich
*Memorial Plaque Locations
Archival Boxes Sold
A Tour of Cypress Lawn Cemetery
Heigh-Ho, Come to the Fair!
The Revival of the Gate Lodge
What Is the Conference of California Historical Societies?
*Farewell to a Friend [Msgr. Edwin J. Kennedy
*A Horse Ranch in Atherton?? [Joseph George Ireland]
What Happened to the Newsletter?
*The Family of Michael Francis Duff
*Cavalcades of the Past
Number, Please!
*The Gatehouse by Dorothy F. Regnery (1984) (Continued from last month)
*Financial Magazine Discovers Atherton
*World-Famous Textiles Were Made in Menlo Park by Frank Helfrich
The Glorious Fourth
The Sale Is Over
Come to the (Book) Fair
*The Gatehouse by Dorothy F.Regnery (Aug. 1984)
Ice Cream Social
*Cracker Barrel Yarns - A Roaring Success by Marguerette Paponis
Cracker Barrel Yarns... The Video
Preservation Through a Camera's LensMembership
Going... Going...*Renovation Under Way for Gatehouse by Heather Rock Woods
*Out Along the Alameda by Frank Helfrich
Yarns Reminder
Computer Committee Update
*Applause for Local Authors at Spring Consortium Program [Linden Towers] by Frank Helfrich
*The Ballad of the Menlo French Laundry by Lois Miller, 1993
*Archives: The Gates from a New Perspective
Cracker Barrel Yarns - All Set to Go
*A Word about Our Host by Marguerette Paponis
Allied Arts Guild
Ye Olde Historie Shoppe
Additions to Records Management Staff
The Palo Alto Times Collection
Willie Brown in Menlo Council Race
Almost Perfect
A Breeze from the South by Frank Helfrich
Cracker Barrel Yarns at Allied Arts
Polk City Directories... Need forThe Rat That Roared!
*Packing Up and Moving Out by Frank Helfrich
*Meet Your Newsletter Staff - Ed Austin, ex-Philadelphian
A Provocative Consortium
*Meet Your Board of Directors [Roger Seccombe]
Tombstone Update
Only Yesterday
Let's Celebrate the Year of the Rat!
Dibble General Hospital - Revisited
Dues & Don'ts
Sharon Burns - A Welcome Addition to Our Staff
A Tombstone Curiosity
Welcome the Year of the Rat
The Courthouse Countdown
January's Way
Gavels and Gaiety
The Night Before Christmas
From Thivierge to Montesinos to Burns
Courthouse Countdown - A Gala Benefit
Summary of 1995 Activities
Another Little Word about Dues
Membership Roster
*Menlo Park Occupied by 8th Division by Frank Helfrich
Nominating Committee
Annual Election of Board
One-Room Schoolhouses, and More...Oral History
Marcussen Block Party
*Fremont Park - A Shining Star by Frank Helfrich
Moffet Tour
Addendum from the Archives
Volunteer Opportunities
Courthouse Countdown
Sequoia Centennial Celebration
*Linden Towers: One of Menlo's Many Mansions
President's Award to 'Friends'
Visit to Moffet Museum
A Two-in-One Newsletter
Ice Cream Social
*Fremont Park Dedicated with Big Splash in 1939 by Frank Helfrich
The Glorious Fourth
San Francisquito Creek Kiosk Planned
Fourth of July Revisited
Oral History Committee
Public Relations
Tour of Jasper Ridge
*A "New" Fremont Park in Our Midst by Frank Helfrich
Valiant Library Volunteers are Honored
Moffett Museum
A Gentle Breeze--A Golden Rule
Former Mayor Cooper's Predictions by Dorothy (Shepard) Cooper, daughter-in-lawBirth of City's First 'Native Son 'Reported
*Menlo's Gates
A Railroad Stop
Jasper Ridge Tour
Thanks, Praise and Benediction
Ice Cream Social
A Walk in a Pioneer Cemetery
Jasper Ridge Tour
Calling All Writers
Have You Heard?
*Menlo Park, Menlo Park, Menlo Park by Frank Helfrich
Tour of Holy Cross Cemetery
The History Buffs Invade Menlo Park!
Another Sticky Project Completed
Chinese New Years Dinner II
Getting the Word Out
Rachael Bentley Paintings Available!
Plans for a Video Showing Abandoned
Los Lomitas School Visits Merrill History Room by Frank Helfrich
My City and I
*Meet Your New Board Member: Thomas Richardson
The Roots of China
*Menlo Park Honors James Nealon in Naming of Park
*Wells Fargo and Waybills by Frank Helfrich
Chinese Dinner
Photographs Forever
Tour of Holy Cross Cemetery
*Meet Your New Officer - Marguerette Shepard Paponis
*The Milton Latham Pier Mirror by Frank Helfrich
Chinese New Year's
Tales of Old Menlo
Meet Your New Board Member: Lil Kavanaugh
Annual Meeting - Program - Christmas Party
Oops! 1-5
*Know Your Staff Members - Jeanne Ward Bone - Archivist/Editor
Membership Roster
Summary of 1994 Activities
*Meet Your Staff Members - Marion Tupper - Records Management
More Notes About Votes
Annual Meeting and Election of Board Members
A Man Named Douglass
*Meet Your Staff Members - Margaret Snowden
Notes About Votes
Distribution of the Peninsula Times-Tribune Collection
*Renovation of a Local Landmark
The Tale of a Map Case
*Meet Your Staff Members - Jeanne Thivierge, MPHA Archivist
*Reflections on a Mirror by Frank Helfrich
Oral History Committee
Photography Committee
*Meet Your Board Members - Eugene Frank Helfrich
Peninsula Times-Tribune Archives
The Glorious Fourth
Tales of Old Menlo, John I Cleese's book
*Preservation of the Payne-Douglass House
*Richard B. Cottrell - A Realistic Realtor (new Board Member)
The Ice Cream "Sociable"
The Fourth of July
Hiller Aircraft Museum
Exploring the British Bankers' Club
Meet Your Board Members - Linda Byrne
A Visit to St. Patrick's Seminary
*Douglass Hall or Douglass Manor?
*Meet Your Board Members - Maureen Dickey
*Douglass Hall Rescued from Demolition, Temporarily
A Visit to St. Patrick's
Annual Meeting - Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Burns, "History is the Teacher of Life"
Communication - Networking
Annual Meeting, Program, Christmas Party
Women in War
Communications from Far and Near
Shutterbugs to the Rescue
Douglass Hall Update
Membership Roster
Summary of 1993 Activities
Other Activities
Veterans Day Program
In Memoriam - Ira E. Bonde
Dues and Finances
The C.C.H.A. Symposium
Annual Meeting and Christmas Party
Annual Meeting and Election of Board Members
Visit to a Pioneer's Home
Shutter-Bug Wanted
*Col. Atherton McKendry - A Visit to the Home of a Local Pioneer
The Demise of Victoria Manor (Douglass Hall)
Oral History
Women In War
*A Date to Remember
Memorial Books
MPHA Cleaning Committee Attacks Sue Gale Room - Historic Dust Flies!!
Note: This issue is incorrectly printed as No. 9
The Glorious Fourth
New Members
The Hallowed Walls of Stanford Chapel
Railroad Water Tank
Tour of Stanford Chapel
Committees, et cetera
The Wizard of Menlo Park