About Us
The purpose for which this association is formed is to collect, preserve and disseminate historical data, information, relics and objects or records of historical interest relating to the City of Menlo Park and environs.

Since 1971
MPHA was organized in 1971 as an offshoot of the Friends of the Library. The Library provides a room in the Library basement for MPHA archives and office. No other subsidy is received from the City. You can help carry out our mission by becoming a member and/or by making a donation.
Our organization
MPHA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Dues and other donations are tax deductible.
The Board
The Board meets monthly on the first Tuesday at 2:00 PM in the Merrill History Room (in basement of Menlo Park main library).
Sandy Pachaud
Vice President
Sam Sinnott
Lydia Cooper
Matt Horwitz
At Large
Martha Lancestramere
At Large
Greg Mellberg
At Large
Pamela Jones
At Large
Karen Kitterman
At Large
Tim Johnston
At Large
Steve Morey
At Large
Mary Ergas